Well, if fat is your friend, then what are carbohydrates—your enemy? From studying nutrition, I have learned that there are essential amino acids (aka proteins) and there are essential fatty acids (fats). However, there are no essential carbohydrates. So does your body really need carbohydrates?
Many people understand that refined sugars are considered unhealthy to consume on a regular basis, but okay on occasions. I don’t know what that means, but I do know that many health and wellness coaches don’t understand that all carbohydrates break down into simple sugars. That means that there’s no difference between a piece of whole wheat bread, a sweet potato, and a chocolate candy bar as far as our body’s metabolic response. Some online health coaches believe that fiber slows down the time for the body to respond to sugar. However, this is not a precise reaction rather a subjective belief. There are not “good vs bad” carbohydrates, although there are ultra-processed and less processed carbohydrates. I’ve recently learned that even red meat and egg yolks have low amounts of carbohydrates in them.
Bottom line is humans don’t need carbohydrates to fuel their bodies to get energy. The best food source is from fat which is slow burning and comes with a package of protein from animal sourced foods. Saturated fats and cholesterol are not nutrients of concerns. If you are burning fat for fuel, you can perform your daily activities as well as have a good vigorous and strenuous workout without fueling on carbohydrates.
Our livers make all the glucose that we need such as for red blood cells, glycogen storage and the brain (which also utilizes ketones – broken down fatty acids). The easiest way to know you’re burning fat is to check your triglycerides levels on you next lipid panel blood test. If you’re burning fat for fuel, your triglycerides are relatively low (no specific numbers – you’ll know). Burning fat for fuel is like a slow burning log and burning carbohydrates is like the fast-burning twigs that give off a lot of toxic smoke.
You can always get another opinion or two if you want to get off cholesterol lowing medications and also ask for a CORONARY ARTERY CALCIFICATION SCORE scan. Look for a doctor that is familiar with this information to support your plan to shift away from a carbohydrate-based way of sustenance.
In general, I’d say that veggies and fruits, plants in general, are an individual choice as far as which ones you select, if any at all. They are not essential and many of them cause problems (they can prevent nutrients from being absorbed and worse) as well as the fact that all essential nutrients are found in animal sourced products. Fiber is nonessential as well. See: Dr Zoe Harcombe and Dr Paul Mason YouTube videos regarding “what about Fiber?”
Here’s another bit of information that may surprise you. Have you heard of “matrix metalloproteinases”? Check out Dr Paul Mason’s YouTube video about this. “2017 07 Repairing connective tissue….”. To put it in a nutshell: your liver will churn out these enzymes which break down your joint’s cartilage! I know you’ve heard of osteoarthritis (OA). In skool I was taught that OA was caused exclusively by wear and tear on the joints. Not so. If only our livers could talk and tell us: “stop eating all that crap” …. Yup, between the polluted grains and problematic lectins from beans and nuts, the overabundance of sugars from carb-based diets and the avoidance of healthy saturated fats, cholesterol, and red meat, we are committing our own genocide. Many osteo and other types of arthritis’s are linked to nutritional deficiencies combined with foods that disrupt our gut microbiome’s functions. We are still learning all the connections and functions of our gut’s microbiome. I just learned that even our guts have a role in converting thyroid hormones from the inactive to the active form T3! Holy cow!
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